Tulip-Robson puppies Growing Up

9 -11 months old


9 months old


Socializing in the Park :)


And enjoying dog grounds

8-9 months old

Left picture: at the Mediterranean Winner show. on the right: walking near Latrun

7-8 months old



In Park "Canada"

5 - 7 months old

Socializing everywhere ... Park "Leumi", Ramat Gan

Wonderful dog grounds in Tel-Aviv ...



Mutual socialization :)

Last pictures are done by cellular phone, we just couldn't refuse the kids who asked to make a picture :) Sorry for the dogs coats after the rains.

4.5 - 5 months old



4 months old


3.5 months old






3 months old



9-12 weeks




8th week

7th week


6th week


The boys 6 weeks old


The girls 6 weeks old


5th week



4th week


3d week

2nd week

Grandpa Sunny watching the puppies

Girls 12 days old


Boys 12 days old


1st week


Waiting for the big moment ….

Grandfather Sunny and Mom Tulip waiting for the big moment, always together …



Dad Robson with all Lumiere family worrying and waiting for babies in Vancouver.